West Bay Model Railroad Association Network

Sharing the joys of model railroading on the San Francisco peninsula

My father passed away in May in Palo Alto and he was a serious rail fan. He left 1,000 pounds of magazines (boxes and boxes and boxes) stretching back to 1980. I would like to donate the magazines to a worthy organization or partner with someone willing to sell the magazines online. 

Magazine titles include: Narrow Gage and Short Line Gazette, Short and Narrow Rails, CTC Board, Pacific Rail News, Model Railroading, Mainline Modeler, Model Railroading, Modeltec, Live Steam, Garden Railways, The Streamliner, Prototype Modeler, Locomotive and Railway Preservation, Railpace newsmagazine, The Train Sheet by Feather River Rail Society, Extra 2200 The Locomotive Newsmagazine 

The magazines are in good condition and were stored in a climate controlled room.  

Any advice or recommendations?

- Steve, steve_raney@cities21.org

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Hello Steve,

Your father's magazine collection may or may not have some monetary value but given the relatively recent publication date I'm guessing it won't be much.  I would definitely search ebay and the better-known used book and periodical exchanges to give you some idea what these magazines sell for, but to give you an idea, our club recently recycled a *very* extensive Model Railroader collection dating back to the 1930s, simply because we didn't wish to continue storing it and didn't wish to part with it, piecemeal, on ebay or the like.

Another option may be to haul some small part of the collection to the upcoming PCR meet in September and try to see if there's any interest from the membership: http://www.pcrnmra.org/.  I will run your email by the other members of the WBMRA to see if anyone in our club is interested, and will ask them to contact you directly if they are.  Regards,

Mark Drury


I was able to dispose of the magzines. 15 boxes at about 60 pounds per box.  

My father had HO train cars and a large collection of train books (large format coffee table size). So, if I understand you correctly, I should attempt to bring train cars and books to the Coast Division PCR Meet in SF on Sept 22. 

- Steve

Hello Steve,

Train cars are a whole different matter.  Do you happen to know the make/brand of the models, or are you able to share a picture of one of the nicer cars?  Books can also be interesting, though perhaps less so than the models. Feel free to bring a few samples by the club this Wednesday evening and some of the members can take a look for you.

If you do decide to take the items to the PCR meet you'll want to contact the PCR organizers first, especially if you wish to sell rather than donate the items -- not certain if they allow that.  Regards,

Mark D.

Steve Raney said:


I was able to dispose of the magzines. 15 boxes at about 60 pounds per box.  

My father had HO train cars and a large collection of train books (large format coffee table size). So, if I understand you correctly, I should attempt to bring train cars and books to the Coast Division PCR Meet in SF on Sept 22. 

- Steve

INVENTORY: HO/O trains + coffee table books


Partial inventory from my father’s estate can be found in a Google docs folder. The folder contains some pictures plus a spreadsheet with 3 tabs (HO, O gauge, and coffee table books).

The link to the folder (viewable by everyone without need of Google login):



HO Train Highlights =======================


Challenger Imports: Southern Pacific Class S-14 0-6-0. Locomotive #1286 w Class 52C1 Tender. Factory Painted. Catalog #2374.1


Stewart Hobbies, Stock #9070. F7A Phase I Early. SP (Black Widow). Locomotive. Ready to run


Genesis G2010 Western Pacific Passenger F-3A Phase 2. #802-A. Ready to run locomotive


Spectrum #81905. 80-ton three truck shay Weyerhaeuser Timber (Steel Cab).


Other brands: Walters, Hobbytown, Proto 2000, InterMountain, Kato, Red Caboose


O Gauge Highlights ======================


Rollin J Lobaugh, C& N W Berkshire Chassis (kit)


Wm. K. Walthers Caboose Wood Model 3835 (1950) (kit)


Irvin R. Athearn, A.A.R. Box Car, Sentinal Fast Freight Service 466096 (kit)


Coffee Table Books =======================


Pacific fruit express by signature press

Union Pacific in the Los Angeles basin signature press

Rio Grande – a last look back 1974 - 2010

Boston and Maine - Forest, River and Mountain

Rio Grande In Color volume three Morning sun books

Rio Grande trackside

Rio Grande color pictorial

More Rio Grande books Gunnison – from Marshall Pass, Lake City and crested Butte through Ouray

Northwest passage Track and time, operational history of Western Pacific Railroad

Trains to Yosemite

Southern Pacific's scenic coast line

The Northern Pacific Highliners, a railroad album

The Northern Pacific In Color 1949 to 1959

Western Pacific color pictorial volume two

The American freight train Cab Forward

Three barrels of steam 4-10-22

Turbines westward 7

Union Pacific steam

Santa Fe - Hetch Hetchy and it's dam railroad

Pine across the mountain

Red River Railroads in the woods

The Challenger locomotives

The mighty 800

The age of steam

Canadian Pacific Railway

- Steve

I assume the meeting is at 8PM at 1090 Merrill Street tomorrow night, right? 

Hello Steve,

People will likely begin working at the club round 7pm and will break for a meeting round 8:30, so 8pm is probably a good time to visit.  Are you stopping by to visit the club or were you hoping to sell some of your items?  I ask because it will likely be a busy evening and if you're hoping for everyone to take a look at your models and books tonight may not be the best time to do so.  Please feel free to stop by, regardless, but know that people will be distracted with the benchwork construction tasks going on at the club.

If you do plan to visit this evening please let me know, as there's a chance I may need to work late and may not attend, so I'd like to let one of the other members know to expect you.  Regards,

Mark D.

Steve Raney said:

I assume the meeting is at 8PM at 1090 Merrill Street tomorrow night, right? 

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