West Bay Model Railroad Association Network

Sharing the joys of model railroading on the San Francisco peninsula

Tentative Schedule for Layout Salvage and Demolition Work

President Lauren Mercer sent the following message after last night's business meeting, outlining a tentative schedule for layout work in the coming weeks.  Just sharing it here for posterity and will add the dates below to the club calendar, as well.

At last night's meeting it was agreed to start salvaging items from the existing layout within the next week.  Any members who still have equipment still on the layout are requested to claim them.  We plan on salvaging all rolling equipment, buildings, bridges, signal bridges, tunnel portals, and anything else which members want or can be used on the new layout.  O and S scale equipment and structures will be saved until everyone has had a chance to take what they want.  Rod stated that he wanted to save some of the S scale track.  If the O scale folks want to save some of the track please let me know.  All HO equipment and structures which is not owned by individuals will be saved for the new layout.

Tom Vanden Bosch and I will be starting the salvage effort tomorrow from 1-3 PM.  Anyone is welcome to join us.  On Saturday there will be a group doing the salvage effort from noon to about 3 PM.  This will give everyone a chance to go home and prepare for our banquet that evening.  The Saturday group includes Mark, Werner, Bob K, Ryan K, Rich M,  David T, and myself.    Anyone else is welcome to join us during that time on Saturday.  We will see If additional time is needed for the salvage effort after Saturday.

The major demolition effort is now scheduled for Saturday, March 23.  I am suggesting that we start about 9 AM and work until around 3 or 4 PM.  So far, no one signed up for Sunday the 24th.  So please let me know if you can help on either of those 2 days or if some of you could help on the Friday the 22nd or the following Monday or Tuesday.  We might be able to have a enough of a group to help complete the work on one of those days.  I would like to hear from you concerning this because this will determine on when I should order the debris box.  Unfortunately I will be out of town that weekend so I need a volunteer to be there when the debris box is delivered.

The reason that we did not schedule the weekend of March 30-31 for the demo work is because that is Easter.


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